Temperature mapping kit

Save time and money by using Eupry’s digitalized solutions.

Eupry's mapping set includes wireless data loggers and specialized mapping software. It provides you with a real-time report to track the entire process.

Eupry's mapping set includes wireless data loggers and specialized mapping software. It provides you with a real-time report to track the entire process.

The four steps to perform mapping with Eupry:

Step 1: Receive the set, which consists of 15 calibrated data loggers and a router (SIM card included).

Step 2: Place the loggers inside your freezer/refrigerator/incubator and connect the router to power.

Step 3: Data will be automatically uploaded to our software. The software will offer various tools to analyze the data as efficiently as possible.

Step 4: After analyzing the data and preparing your report, simply return the equipment to Eupry.

Contact our product specialists if you want to know more