
Magazine DIREKTE

- Focus on -86°C Freezers

Holm & Halby is the industry's largest provider of low-temperature freezers. Therefore, it is only natural that we have dedicated an issue of our magazine DIREKTE to our Team ColdStorage and the associated service.

In the latest edition of the magazine DIREKTE, you can read articles about exciting topics in the field of low-temperature freezers.

Holm & Halby is the country's largest provider of laboratory freezers, racks, and services, so there are many topics to cover. Learn, for example, how to manage the many freezers at Herlev Hospital or how to produce a rack for a laboratory freezer.

Read about:

  • The cool overview at Hvidovre Hospital
  • We won the tender: Haier freezers at Herlev
  • How to make racks
  • Service for laboratory freezers
  • Meet Team ColdStorage: Laboratory Freezers